Cao Jin Man is a skilled practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with over 15 years of clinical experience. Known for expertise in personalized herbal formulations and acupuncture, Dr. Cao excels in treating a wide range of conditions, including gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and age-related disorders.
Dr. Cao Jin Man is an experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) physician with a career spanning more than 15 years. Renowned for crafting individualized herbal prescriptions and employing acupuncture techniques, Dr. Cao specializes in managing respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal disorders. Additionally, Dr. Cao addresses skin conditions, metabolic diseases like diabetes and gout, and age-related syndromes such as sleep disturbances and chronic headaches. Dr. Cao combines traditional methods with a modern understanding of health to provide comprehensive care tailored to each patient.
Yan Jin Sheng is a renowned expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine with extensive experience in integrative approaches combining TCM and Western medicine. As a leading endocrinologist at Yanda Hospital, he treats a wide range of conditions, from diabetes and its complications to cardiovascular and neurological disorders.
Dr. Yan Jin Sheng is a distinguished Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner with a comprehensive background in both TCM and Western medical practices. A graduate of Hebei University, Dr. Yan specializes in endocrinology and integrative medicine, offering advanced treatments for conditions such as diabetes, tumors, hypertension, and ischemic heart disease. He has contributed to developing clinical standards in TCM and is an award-winning researcher recognized for his scientific contributions to medicine. Dr. Yan actively participates in professional committees, focusing on oncology and endocrinology, and provides individualized, effective care to patients across various medical conditions.